Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Merry Everything This Holiday

I just ordered our family Christmas card from Sams Club.  They won't be ready until Friday which means they won't mail out until Saturday (if I get them addressed right away) so they'll probably be late for Christmas but at least I was able to do something.  These are the pictures we used and the little family blurb.

"Mary Ellen joined our family 12-2-12 at 6:49 pm.  She weight 9 lbs 7 oz and measured 22 inches.  She is just perfect!  Nathan (2) is very active and repeats everything.  Samantha (4) loves to sing and make up songs.  Brian (6) rides his bike to 1st grade and loves going out with dad.  Melanie is very busy with 4 kids!  Dusty just finished his internship.  He will graduate and commission as a Lieutenant in the Army National Guard in April 2013."

We wish all of our family and friends a wonderful Christmas and New Year!!!

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