Brian goes to School!!!
Technically, Brian's 1st day of school was in August but who's counting? This is a self-portrait just to show how fast this guy is growing up. We went to a meet and greet night at the school the night before the big day to take in school supplies, find Brian's desk and meet his teacher. Mrs. Clark is amazing! At our first parent-teacher conference, she confided in me that Brian had a really time at first paying attention and following directions. Well apparently, the children earn a sticker each day they have good behavior and Brian didn't get all his stickers. So the first day most of the children got prizes, Brian did get one and threw a little fit. However, the following school day, "I had a whole new Brian!" said his teacher. She asked him about his change in behavior and Brian looked at her and said, "I'm gettin my sticker!" Atta boy! He's been doing really well ever since.
We also had a family outing to go get firewood. While Dad and Dusty were busy with the chainsaw, the kids and I found this amazing black catapiller.
Another fun thing that happened was we got a "Roommate" Lacie Weaver, Sarah's best friend, moved into the room downstairs to abide her time until it was her term to start at BYU-I. She asked if she could paint and boy did she paint!
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